Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cardiology Appointment

Sam had his every-3-month cardiology visit today. Usually, we check in, hang out in the wait room for about 10 min, and then the fun starts. Two nurses do a tag team job of measuring height, weight, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and perform an EKG, all within literally 5 minutes. It's amazing. Then we head to another room for a 5 min wait before we get to see Dr. Cardis.

USUALLY Sam likes the 5 min tag team nurses. He's a big flirt, and they love to give him an audience. He's really never pitched a fit in any doctors office. TODAY, however, he threw a true tantrum during the tag team portion of the visit, and he never calmed down. Dr. Cardis was trying so hard to listen to his heart while Sam was screaming his head off. The only time he stopped screaming (and I do mean screaming) was when Dr. Cardis was leaving the room...Sam suddenly stopped screaming, raised a waving hand and said "bye bye".

No bad news today. His oxygen saturation was a little below our usual (around 83% when they usually run 87%). We also mentioned that Sam seemed to have a few more blue spells than usual. Dr. Cardis offered the idea that Sam may have built up some extra red blood cells during our time in the higher altitudes in Cali. In a normal person, this would help you oxygenate yourself in the lower oxygen altitudes. In Sam, who doesn't have the capacity to oxygenate anymore red blood cells than he already has, he just ends up with increased 'blue' blood verses 'red' blood. He thinks it will all work itself out in a few months. We'll see. Sam is acting just fine, eating just fine, sleeping just fine...no outward signs of any problems. We go back for an echo in three months, and maybe a full panel blood test just to check on internal function of other organs. For now, all's well!

Lot's of things to be thankful for today, both in our immediate family, our heart family, and in our circle of friends!


1 comment:

The Smith's said...

Hi Kathy - My name is Jesse my and son is Luke. We wanted to introduce ourselves =) Luke just turned three last week and was also born with a special heart (double inlet left ventricle). He has had the PA band at 5 weeks old and the Glenn/DKS at 7 months old. He is now on an every-6-months cardiology schedule and doing GREAT! Like you, we are so thankful and count our blessings daily. Sam is the cutest and I look forward to seeing God continue to unfold his story!

Take care!
