Thursday, January 22, 2009

So Very Tired

Mr. Sam has decided that he not only rarely sleeps, he also enjoys screaming all afternoon/night. Let me explain...

Starting at about 3 weeks old, Sam started a bad habit of not falling asleep for good until midnight-2am consistently. Then he started staying awake longer, and longer, and LONGER during the day, but still wouldn't actually fall asleep until 12-2am. I mean, this kid has stayed TOTALLY awake from 6pm until 2am on multiple occasions, and this is AFTER having already been awake 90% of the day. THEN he started becoming fussy starting near sundown and lasting until 12-2am. He gets to the point where he won't stop fussing/crying unless you are walking with him. THEN he starting crying/screaming starting near sundown and lasting until 12-2am. When he is screaming, not even walking can console him.

I figured it was colic. Colic in itself is not fun. But recently, as this whole thing has slowly progressed, I decided he may have reflux. For one, when he spits up, he spits EVERYTHING up. He rarely's always ounces and ounces of fluid. After he spits up he seems IMMEDIATELY happier. Recently he has started whimpering while feeding, which makes me think it is hurting to eat. Also, he does not sleep long between feedings at night. I attribute this to it being painful to lay flat because of reflux.

Two days ago, Sam cried and screamed ALLLLLLL DAY. By midnight I thought I was going to go crazy. The doctor had a spot for us the next day, and agreed with me that it is probably a combination of colic and reflux. He gave us a prescription for Prevacid and he gave us a special formula to supplement his feedings with. He said it may take a couple of days to see any difference if there is going to be one. I sure freakin' hope there is going to be one!


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