Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Nothing New...

We went to the OB today for our weekly appointment and non-stress test. Nothing new to report. Baby seems healthy and happy according to the non-stress test. We did discuss my 'birth plan.' Apparently there are some people who know exactly how they want to deliver...even down to what drugs they do and do not want to use. I told our OB that at this point, delivery is really secondary to us. What is much more important is getting Sam to Atlanta for heart treatment. I told her I don't care what drugs go in or what procedures they need to do, the most important thing to us is getting Sam out and to Atlanta. I think she was happy with that to some respect...I know I would totally roll my eyes if some woman came in with a typed up, contract-like birth plan when what is really important is not the mother's experience, but the healthy birth of a baby.


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