Monday, January 3, 2011


Snapshot of a moment I want to remember and have ready for recall forever.

Sam, Chris and I on my king size bed.  Chris tickling Sam until Sam begs in a raspy voice through the laughter "Daddy, No!"  Sam, struggling against the softness of the mattress to stand up.  Once steady, Sam saying of  few words (only we don't speak toddler-ese so we don't know what he's just proclaimed) and then tossing his head and arms up in the air and throwing his body into the piled up blankets and pillows.  Sam doing this over and over again while Chris and I play bumper pads until he is blue in the face with exhaustion.  Sam, laughing so hard at the whole event that he throws up his recently eaten dinner.



Anonymous said...

I think he might have learned this from Aunt Amanda.....that bed was quite an appealing thing for him when he made it down the hall toward her bedroom. Sweet sweet baby Sam ! Kept us all laughing !

Ali Lionberger said...

is this one of those instances where it's not funny at the time, but looking back it is??