Friday, January 8, 2010

I Miss My Vacation!

Well we made it back from California this past Monday. We had a fantastic time. Sam was such a good boy. He got to do so much in those two weeks. He saw snow in the mountains and touched the Pacific, met his great grandmother and extended family, saw the Rose Parade in Pasadena, went to the Griffith Observatory, saw the LA zoo, and ate lots of new foods. Chris and I snowboarded for our 3rd Anniversary. We looked like total fools but we REALLY had a good time. We flew home and Sam was pretty good. We finally pulled in to our house at 11pm-ish Monday.

Chris stayed home the next day to clean and put up Christmas, but Sam went to school and I went to work. When I picked Sam up from school, I noticed his right ear was literally oozing mucus. I rushed him to the Pedi, who casually tells me he has busted his ear drum. Apparently he had an ear infection and it just gradually filled up with fluid. Sam NEVER pulled his ear or had a fever. He never told us he was in pain. Sigh. Apparently it's not a big deal, though, and didn't cause any damage. He's on the pink antibiotic (which he loves) and an ear drop and he's doing fine with those.

Chris and Sam both got an extra day of vacation today. There was ALMOST snow here today, and out of fear the county closed all schools, which meant Sam's daycare closed, too. Naturally it hardly even rained. But Chris and Sam got to have a boys-day-in. Momma is very jealous, as she is still totally knocked out from the trip. And she has to work tomorrow :(.

The photos are from our trip. I doubt I could handle the cost of living or the traffic for extended periods of time, but I just love being in California!



connie and adam said...

Wow he looked like he really enjoyed his self :) You have a big family.

Stefenie said...

Glad you guys had a wonderful time on your trip. I am sure being back home is a nice feeling but being on vacation is nice too.

Stef, Ryan, Wyatt and Logan